Friday, August 28, 2009

Camping Fun!!!

Shannon and the boys went for their first official camping trip this summer. Lets just say the inexpensive summer trip ended up being one of the most expensive summer adventures. The boys were going for 3 days and 2 nights which turned into 4 days and 3 nights which is not where the money problems occured.(campsite was only $8) When they got there they decided to rent a canoe/boat for 24 hrs and headed out to go fishing. They ended up catching 9 fish and ate them for dinner. The next day they headed out in the canoe. Shannon dropped the new camera and broke it.(first big cost)Then Brad managed to drop his retainer in the murky water of a busy canal(second big cost)However, they did spend 2 hrs trying to find it and actually saw it twice!The third big cost was buying food at the camp store to spend an extra night. New camera $180, New retainer $160, cost of extra night $50, time spent camping with dad PRICELESS!

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